This difficulty dealing with hormonal changes may become a key to treatment during homeopathic therapy. Although most dogs have no problems going through estrus these hormonal changes can be very stressful to some individuals. However, you also point out one of the arguments for spaying before the first heat. Chapman’s excellent reply to Cristina this week. There is mounting evidence and clinical experience that keeping a bitch intact into maturity may reduce degenerative diseases like arthritis. Spaying before first estrus (heat) is no longer recommended by many veterinarians. However, antibody production does not equal immune protection.Ĭongratulations about keeping your girl intact. Measuring antibody titers is one way to quantitate both this exposure and the immune response to it. The good news is that repeated natural exposure to infectious agents such as this benign papillomavirus is the best natural way to strengthen it. This higher incidence is probably related both to greater viral exposure and an immature immune system. Viral warts are most commonly seen in younger animals. Luckily, this doesn’t sound like the case with your pup. The main exception is when there are so many warts in the mouth that they make eating difficult. Fortunately, oral warts in dogs are primarily a cosmetic problem and not a serious health issue.